Are you struggling to be seen as strategic in your current role? Do you receive feedback that you “need to be more strategic” without any concrete guidance on how to improve? If so, there are specific steps you can take to improve your strategic thinking skills and make a greater contribution to your organization.

In this article, we will discuss 10 ways to improve your strategic thinking skills, including changing your mindset, asking tough questions, communicating strategically, using data and evidence, and embracing innovation and experimentation. By implementing these strategies, you can improve your strategic thinking skills and make a greater impact in your current role.

1. Change your mindset and accept that strategic thinking is part of your job, no matter what level you’re at in the organization

One of the first steps to improving your strategic thinking skills is to change your mindset and accept that it is an essential part of your job, regardless of what level you’re at in the organization. Many people mistakenly believe that strategic thinking is only for senior executives, but the reality is that it is something that must happen at every level of the organization. By recognizing that strategic thinking is an important part of your job, you can begin to focus on developing the skills and abilities that are necessary to be successful in this area.

When you accept that strategic thinking is part of your job, you are also more likely to take the initiative and be proactive in identifying and addressing potential problems and opportunities. This proactive approach can help you to contribute to the success of your organization and position yourself as a valuable and strategic thinker. Additionally, embracing the importance of strategic thinking can help to foster a culture of innovation and experimentation within your organization, which can drive continuous improvement and growth.

By recognizing the value of strategic thinking and committing to developing these skills, you can become a valuable contributor to your organization and position yourself for success.

2. Ask tough questions to broaden your perspective and identify different possibilities, approaches, and outcomes

To improve your strategic thinking skills, it is essential to challenge your assumptions and seek out diverse perspectives. This can help you to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the situation and potential solutions, and enable you to make better decisions and develop more effective strategies. To do this, develop your curiosity and inquiry skills by asking yourself tough questions that push you to consider different perspectives. Engage with others and seek out their perspectives and advice, and incorporate their insights into your decision-making process to improve the quality of your strategic thinking. By developing these skills, you can improve your strategic thinking and make a greater contribution to your organization.

3. Communicate strategically by prioritizing and sequencing your thoughts and tailoring your message to your audience

Consider your communication style and how it can be more effective. Prioritize and sequence your thoughts and tailor your message to your audience by considering their specific needs and interests. Develop a clear and compelling message that is easy to understand and focuses on the most important information. Use visual aids and storytelling techniques to engage your audience and illustrate your points. By communicating strategically, you can effectively share your ideas and persuade others of their value, ultimately improving your strategic thinking skills.

4. Use data and evidence to support your ideas and persuade others of their value

By gathering and analyzing relevant data, you can better understand the situation and potential solutions, and you can use this information to support your arguments and convince others of the merit of your ideas. To develop this skill, focus on improving your data literacy, collecting relevant data and evidence, and using it effectively to support your ideas. This will enhance your strategic thinking and help you make a greater contribution to your organization.

5. Be proactive and take the initiative to identify and address potential problems and opportunities

To effectively improve your strategic thinking skills, it is important to engage with and seek feedback from others. This means actively seeking out the perspectives and advice of others, and incorporating their insights into your decision-making process. By engaging with others, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the situation, and you can improve the quality of your strategic thinking and decision-making.

To improve your ability to engage with and seek feedback from others, start by building strong relationships with your colleagues, stakeholders, and other relevant parties. This may involve regularly reaching out to others to gather their perspectives and advice, or it may involve seeking out opportunities to collaborate and work together on projects and initiatives.

Once you have established these relationships, it is important to actively seek out and incorporate feedback into your decision-making process. This may involve asking for specific feedback on your ideas and plans, or it may involve soliciting more general advice and guidance from others. By doing this, you can improve the quality of your strategic thinking and decision-making, and you can make a greater contribution to your organization.

Engaging with and seeking feedback from others is an important part of strategic thinking, and by developing this ability, you can improve your strategic thinking skills and make a greater impact in your role.

6. Engage with and seek feedback from others to improve your strategic thinking and decision-making

To effectively improve your strategic thinking skills, it is important to engage with and seek feedback from others. This means actively seeking out the perspectives and advice of others, and incorporating their insights into your decision-making process. By engaging with others, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the situation, and you can improve the quality of your strategic thinking and decision-making.

To improve your ability to engage with and seek feedback from others, start by building strong relationships with your colleagues, stakeholders, and other relevant parties. This may involve regularly reaching out to others to gather their perspectives and advice, or it may involve seeking out opportunities to collaborate and work together on projects and initiatives.

Once you have established these relationships, it is important to actively seek out and incorporate feedback into your decision-making process. This may involve asking for specific feedback on your ideas and plans, or it may involve soliciting more general advice and guidance from others. By doing this, you can improve the quality of your strategic thinking and decision-making, and you can make a greater contribution to your organization.

Engaging with and seeking feedback from others is an important part of strategic thinking, and by developing this ability, you can improve your strategic thinking skills and make a greater impact in your role.

7. Develop a long-term view and consider the potential impact of your decisions on the future of the organization

One key aspect of strategic thinking is the ability to embrace innovation and experimentation. By being open to new ideas and approaches, and by continuously testing and refining your strategies, you can drive continuous improvement and growth within your organization.

To improve your ability to embrace innovation and experimentation, start by fostering a culture of curiosity and experimentation within your team or organization. Encourage others to share their ideas and perspectives, and provide them with the support and resources they need to test and refine their ideas.

Once you have established a culture of innovation and experimentation, it is important to actively seek out and explore new ideas and approaches. This may involve conducting research, collaborating with others, or experimenting with new technologies or processes. By doing this, you can identify new opportunities and develop innovative solutions that can drive growth and success within your organization.

Embracing innovation and experimentation is an essential part of strategic thinking, and by developing this ability, you can improve your strategic thinking skills and make a greater contribution to your organization.

8. Embrace innovation and experimentation to drive continuous improvement and growth

Embracing innovation and experimentation is an essential part of strategic thinking, as it allows you to drive continuous improvement and growth in your organization. By embracing innovation and experimentation, you can foster a culture of experimentation and learning, and you can develop and implement new and better ways of doing things that can drive organizational success.

To improve your ability to embrace innovation and experimentation, start by encouraging a culture of innovation and experimentation in your organization. This may involve creating a safe and supportive environment where employees are encouraged to take risks, experiment, and learn from their mistakes. It may also involve providing employees with the resources and support they need to innovate and experiment, such as access to training, mentoring, and funding.

Once you have created a culture of innovation and experimentation, it is important to encourage and support employees to innovate and experiment. This may involve providing them with opportunities to test and implement new ideas, and encouraging them to take risks and learn from their experiences. By doing this, you can foster a culture of continuous improvement and growth, and you can help your organization to stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic and fast-paced business environment.

Embracing innovation and experimentation is an essential part of strategic thinking, and by developing this ability, you can improve your strategic thinking skills and make a greater contribution to your organization.

9. Continuously evaluate and adapt your approach to ensure that your strategic thinking aligns with your goals and priorities and those of your organization

It is important to continuously evaluate and adapt your approach. This means regularly assessing your progress towards your goals and priorities, and making adjustments as needed. By doing this, you can ensure that your strategic thinking aligns with your goals and those of your organization, and that it supports your success. To develop this ability, set clear and specific goals and priorities, and conduct regular progress reviews and self-assessments to identify areas for improvement. By continuously evaluating and adapting your approach, you can improve your strategic thinking skills and make a greater contribution to your organization.

10. Develop critical thinking skills

y sharpening your critical thinking skills, you can improve your ability to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and make well-reasoned judgments and decisions. This, in turn, can help you to think strategically and make better decisions that support the success of your organization.

To improve your critical thinking skills, try to develop a curious and inquisitive mindset. Ask tough questions and challenge your assumptions to broaden your perspective and identify different possibilities, approaches, and outcomes. Also, practice using data and evidence to support your ideas and persuade others of their value.

In addition, engage with others and seek feedback to improve your strategic thinking and decision-making. This can help you to gain diverse perspectives and improve the quality of your thinking. Finally, continuously evaluate and adapt your approach to ensure that your strategic thinking aligns with your goals and priorities and those of your organization.

By focusing on these key areas, you can improve your critical thinking skills and become a valuable contributor to your organization.

Categories: Services

Tanin Ehrami

Tanin is seasoned strategic consultant with over two decades of experience in development, analysis, architecture, management, financial services, and regulatory compliance risk. In 2020, he founded PSYBER to consult with professional services firms, governing bodies, brands, private equity investors, and risk and compliance professionals on issues related to cognitive security, AI ethics, digital transformations, agile governance, enterprise architecture, risk, and compliance. Tanin is an expert in his field and is available to provide consulting services on a range of topics.